Sunday 18 December 2011

Coconut Shrikand

Yogurt - 2 Cups
Grated Coconut - 3 Tbsps
Cardamom - 1 Pod
Sugar to Taste

How to prepare:

1. Crush the cardamom pod and remove the seeds and grind the seeds into fine powder.

2. Freshly grate the coconut or use frozen grated coconut.

3. Heat a pan on low heat, add ghee and grated coconut.

4. Fry till coconut turns golden brown in color.

5. Remove from heat and keep aside.

6. Tie plain yogurt in a clean muslin cloth and hang it in refrigerator (tie the ends of cloth to the rack) for 6 – 8 hours with a bowl underneath to collect the whey. Alternatively, hang it above the kitchen sink for couple of hours and then refrigerate for an hour or so.

7. Remove the thick yogurt onto a mixing bowl, stir in sugar, cardamom powder and toasted coconut.

8. Garnish with toasted coconut and serve coconut shrikand immediately.

Notes: Make sure to not burn the grated coconut while toasting.

Suggestions: Make sure to use full fat yogurt for better taste.

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