Tuesday 10 January 2012

Fruit Custard


1 Apple
1 Orange
½ Cup Grapes (seedless)
1 Chikoo
1 tsp Cherries
4 Cups Milk
2 tsp Custard Powder
5 tbsp Sugar

  • Chop Apple, Chikoo and Banana into small pieces, slit grapes and cherries into two.
  • Mix all the fruits in a bowl and keep it aside.
  • Boil Milk in a thick-bottomed pan.
  • In a separate bowl mix the Custard Powder and 3tbsp Milk and add this to the boiling Milk.
  • Now add Sugar and cook, continuously stirring until the Milk thickens and the powder gets cooked. Remove from heat and let it cool.
  • Add the fruits to the custard and mix well. Chill for an hour and serve.

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