Tuesday 3 January 2012

Sakkarai (Sweet) Pongal


 2 ltr Milk 
 1 1/2 cups  Rice
 1/4 cup Moong Dal 
 12 no. Cashewnuts
 10 no. Almonds
 20 no. Kishmis
 1/4 tbsp Nutrieg Powder
 1 1/2 cup Jaggery (grated)
 1/4 tbsp Saffron (crushed)
 1 tbsp Cardamom powder 
 2 tbsp ghee


1.  Chop almonds and cashewnuts. 
2.  Clean kishmis. 
3.  Pour milk in a large pan.
4.  When the milk starts boiling add rice and dal. As soon as the rice and dal are cooked to softness, add jaggery and ghee.
5. Cook it on medium fire for some time and then put almond and cashewnut bits, saffron, nutrieg and cardamom powders. 
6.  Now, add the kishmis. 
7.  Bring to one or two good boils.

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