Wednesday 8 February 2012

Southindian Rice Puttu


1/2 kg - Raw Rice
1/2 cup - Coconut grated
Water to sprinkle
Salt to taste


  1. Soak rice in water for 4-5 hrs, then drain it and grind it to make fine powder.
  2. Heat the powder for 5-10 mins. While heating stir it. Keep it for cooling.
  3. Mix salt with water sprinkle this to the powdered rice just to make the powder wet.
  4. For making puttu, use Puttukutti. Put a handful of grated coconut in the puttu kutty and then put rice powder till half followed by another handful of grated coconut. This is done till the top. 
  5. Close the lid and steam it for 2 minutes. 

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