Friday 3 February 2012

Vermicelli Keer

 Milk – 1 ltr
 Vermicelli – 100 grams
 Ghee – 2 spoon
 Sugar – 150 grams
 Elachi – 4 Nos.
 cashew nut – 10 Nos.
 raisins – 10 Nos.


  • Roast the cashew nut and raisins separately in the pan and keep aside.
  • Fry vermicelli in the same pan, pour ghee, heat for 3 minutes and take out. 
  • Pour 500 ml of milk into the pyrex dish, add the vermicelli into the milk, add half the quantity of sugar and boil for 15 minutes. 
  • After 10 minutes pour the remaining quantity of milk and let it boil. 
  • Now, sprinkle the remaining quantity of sugar, cashew nut, dry grapes and elachi powder and serve.

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